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$42.00 HKD
主治: 疏肝健脾,養血調經。用於肝氣不舒,胸脅脹痛,頭暈目眩,食慾減退。
Ingredients :
Ingredients: Bupleurum, Angelicae, White Peony, Atractylodes (fried), Poria, Licorice (honey roasted), Mint, Ginger
Product Code: 32255
主治: 疏肝健脾,養血調經。用於肝氣不舒,胸脅脹痛,頭暈目眩,食慾減退。
成份: 柴胡、當歸、白芍、白朮(炒)、茯苓、甘草(蜜炙)、薄荷、生薑
用法: 口服, 一次8丸, 一日3次。
包裝規格: 200丸 / 每丸160mg
中成藥註冊編號: HKC-00826
Indications: Soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, nourishing blood and regulating menstruation. It is used for discomfort of liver qi, swelling and pain in chest and hypochondrium, dizziness and loss of appetite.
Ingredients: Bupleurum, Angelicae, White Peony, Atractylodes (fried), Poria, Licorice (honey roasted), Mint, Ginger
Dosage : Take orally, 8 pills at a time, 3 times a day.
Registration number of proprietary Chinese medicines: HKC-00826